Be inspired by testimonies from people who have benefitted from our programs!

" Hi Savy! I know you don't know me, but over the last week and a half, I purchased your microvore diet bundle and have been following the microvore diet and your YouTube channel everyday. In 10 days, I have lost 5 pounds, regained my energy and feel so good about all the abundant nutrients I am feeding my body! I have been vegan for 8 years and I feel I have literally tried everything, until the Microvore diet. It has been a very long time since I have seen the woman looking back at me in the mirror and I really have you to thank for that. I truly admire your knowledge and spirit and hope you continue to spread these for a long time to come. Thank you again so much! " ~ Christina Henderson

" Hi I have made many meals using the Microvore diet advice. I've never felt so completely satisfied with a meal and still lost weight. My digestion has been a major issue since my surgery (ruptured, enlarged appendectomy) I had 18 years ago (wow!) and now I can finally say that digestion is easier and more efficient than ever. This is my sixth day and I'm already boasting results that took five weeks on RawTill4...and then quickly turned into another "muffin top". I gained back all the weight I lost which was about 4 lbs. and then I said "screw this". I want to be a healthy Vegan! And that muffin top was not an indicator of health. I feel incredible now and thank you for this gift Savy!!" ~ Monica Palombo

" I had lost weight previously from dieting but I wasn’t “lean” and was always feeling hungry. After a meal I was already thinking what am I going to eat in 3 hours. Since I started the Microvore Diet I have definitely lost that extra fat and I am rarely hungry and I feel fully energized! " ~Maria Mallett

" I bought your ebooks today (the bundle) as a birthday gift to myself and can't wait to get into them! So far eating microvore-style is making me feel better than anything else I've tried and now starting to experiment with intermittent fasting as well. " ~ Amber Michelle

" The Microvore Diet is the absolute best vegan diet that I’ve found. I love that it promotes complete nutrition and micro-nutrients. I wish more vegan Youtubers would take a similar approach to diets instead of religious adherence to macro ratios that are in fact NOT always nutritionally complete." ~ Carmen Chilson

" As a plant-based medical doctor, I am constantly searching for the best way to not only get my patients healthy, but myself too. I have been following Savy’s Youtube channel and FaceBook page for a few years; always impressed by her willingness to unravel the science behind plant based health. This is an evolving field and often many claims can be made about the best way to eat a vegan diet. I always seek out the journal articles and textbooks when I hear about ways to be vegan or eat raw. I recently came across the Fruit, Fat & Forage program as part of the Microvore Diet, and was impressed by Savy’s planning with respect to the impact this way of eating would have on our digestion/metabolism. I decided to try it out for 2 weeks. After only a few days of following this program, I was amazed at the benefits. The immediate benefits were improved digestion, much better sleep quality (but interestingly, less hours of sleep), better concentration/clarity, much better exercise endurance and improved flexibility/stretching capacity. The last point was apparent when I do my weight’s training a few times a week. Even after a workout, I was not as sore as usual (and that is after being on a whole foods plant based diet for many years). Digestion is an issue that MANY people have, yet don’t speak up about. I ask about this every day, and am never surprised that almost all my patients report some concern they have. I have been so impressed with the improvement in digestive health that I have noticed (secondary to increased fibre intake, zero inflammatory foods such as oils and faux proteins, and morning fasting) that I now promote this to all my patients. The suggested ‘fasting’ period should not be confused with hunger. Savy has designed the evening meal to satisfy your energy needs whilst ensuring that you remain full and content in the morning. I don’t begin to feel hungry until 12pm each day, at which stage I head for my daily bowl of fresh fruit. The Fruit Fat and Forage information and recipe book (pdf) are so clearly presented and very easy to follow. The recipes are simple and highly nutritious, and the diversity of flavours ensures that this food never gets boring, whilst the clinical benefits continue to show. I am now incorporating the Fruit Fat Forage Raw program into my diet, aiming to have at least 50% of my weekly meals raw. I would highly recommend the Fruit Fat Forage program to anyone, especially those looking to kickstart their health in the right direction or even longterm vegans who wish to have a detox. I can absolutely support the science behind this program and rational in separating food groups into different times of the day. Savy’s science is spot on and of the raw vegan diets around, this is the best and most easy to use. " ~ Dr Anthony Hadj, Melbourne Australia.

" I love love LOVE this cleanse!! The fruits in the daytime and fats at night kept me energized and FULL. I did not go hungry once, yet I could tell I was losing tons of weight. I didn’t even weigh myself until the end of the 5 days and had lost 7 POUNDS. I kept going for another 7 days after that because I was feeling so good, and lost another 4.5 pounds. After that I started to incorporate cooked foods and bought Savy’s Microvore Diet recipe book which is also awesome! Thanks for what you do Savy, I’m feeling fantastic and have you to thank for it! "
~ Brianna Lausinger

" I came across Savy’s website when I was researching how to eat healthy on a raw food diet. Her Fruit. Fat. Forage. diet is by far the most logical and enjoyable style of raw vegan eating I’ve come across! I feel great, and have a ton of energy. I felt lighter, calm, peaceful, and stress-free. My coworker actually told me that I looked like I was glowing! Savy’s diet has allowed me to quit coffee (something I’ve struggled to do for years) because I feel so energized and light all the time, I just don’t need it anymore! Anyone who’s wanting great results in a short amount of time should definitely consider this program! " ~ Diane Wingert

" I went on the Fruit, Fat, Forage Detox for 11 days. Fasting until my "breakfast" meal was no problem at all. The meals tasted great and they gave me a feeling of well being and peace! Ten days earlier I went off meat and the detox gave me a plan and a jumpstart to go off all dairy products as well. During the detox I lost 5 pounds. I wanted to do the detox longer than 5 days and so I did it for 11. By then I was ready for more food so I transitioned into the Microvore Diet. Almost a month later I have lost a total of 11 pounds. My digestion is much better and I have had more energy!! I even started jogging and I'm working towards running a 5K! Usually my lungs have a feeling of cramping on exertion as I have some minimal asthma. I can tell a big difference while jogging and the cramping pain in my lungs is virtually gone as I'm slowly working up to my goal. This way of eating has made me feel nourished and full at each meal so I do very little snacking. Thank You Savy for your recipes and instructions in your e-books. It has been very easy to follow and I'm so happy to have found you! I will be doing the detox again soon. Thank you also for your posts on social media and your extra recipes. I also enjoy what you have put on You-Tube. All of this helps me to stay motivated. I have some more weight to lose and I'm excited to see what the next 6 months brings. Keep up the good work!! " ~ Leanne Gadeski Phillips

" I tried Savy's Fruit. Fat. Forage. for 5 days and the results were amazing! I went shopping and followed all the recipes she gave and I was so excited to cleanse my body, get all the toxins out, and lose some weight. Just 5 days in I had more energy and had lost 6.2 pounds! Her books are great and I suggest anyone wanting to kick start their body to try out this program!" ~ Shannon Marie Rice