Chocolate Chia Pudding

This pudding is chocolatey, silky, creamy, and wonderful with fresh or frozen fruit. The gelatinous texture comes from soaked and blended chia seeds. Chia seeds are a great source of nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids, pyridoxine (b6), calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and selenium!
2-3 tablespoons of either chia seeds or flax seeds are recommended in the MicroVore Diet Guidebook to satisfy daily omega 3 fatty acid requirements.
I hope you enjoy this lovely pudding/mousse as a breakfast, dessert, or "anytime of the day" healthy treat!
1/4 cup of chia seeds ( I love this brand)
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder (or 2 tablespoons if you like it very dark)
3 packets of stevia (or 2-3 dates) *See note
1 cup of water
1. Combine ingredients in your blender or food processor and let sit for 5-10 minutes until mixture becomes thick (the fiber in chia seeds absorbs water).
2. Blend until smooth and top with fresh or frozen fruit!
If weight loss is a goal, using stevia instead of dates or sugar can reduce the glycemic load and aid in weight loss.
Feel welcome to share this recipe on Pinterest and Facebook!
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Fruit. Fat. Forage. is a 5 day raw food cleanse designed for detoxification and rapid weight loss! Read testimonies here.
The MicroVore Diet is a 14 day (and beyond) plan that contains micronutrient-rich and macro-balanced recipes for health and steady weight loss! Read testimonies here.
Thanks for living vegan and have a healthy day!