What I Eat ~ Raw Vegan ~ 5 Day Cleanse

Here's what I eat when I'm taking a break from heavy foods and enjoying fresh raw fruits and vegetables!
As many of you know, I am the creator of two plant-based health programs, one is called the MicroVore Diet and is all about micronutrient-rich plant-based eating, and the other is Fruit. Fat. Forage. which is a 5 day raw food cleanse!
In this video I show what I like to eat when I do this cleanse, which usually is whenever I’m starting to feel sluggish or run down (often at the end of winter/beginning of spring!)
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Want help improving your health and losing weight on your plant-based diet? Explore our eBooks!

Fruit. Fat. Forage. is a 5 day raw food cleanse designed for detoxification and rapid weight loss! Read testimonies here.
The MicroVore Diet is a 14 day (and beyond) plan that contains micronutrient-rich and macro-balanced recipes for health and steady weight loss! Read testimonies here.
Thanks for living vegan and have a healthy day!