Vegan Weight Loss Chocolate Milkshake

Most people love a cold refreshing milkshake, but can many say that it's a part of their weight loss plan? This high protein vegan milkshake is hydrating, nutrient-rich, and satiating, all of which can aid in weight loss, and improve digestion and skin health!
1 cup of frozen mango, or 1 frozen banana
1 scoop of vegan protein powder (my favorite brand is Orgain Plant-Based Vanilla )
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
1 cup of unsweetened plant-milk (I love soy milk because it has 7-8 grams of protein)
1 cup of water
1. Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
1. Pour into a glass or water bottle and enjoy!
MANGO In A Chocolate Smoothie??
You may think it's strange to use mango in a chocolate flavored recipe but trust me, it becomes indistinguishable! I prefer using mango over bananas because they contain higher amounts of folate and vitamins A, C, and E. They also digest better for me than bananas do.
Possible Modifications
Feel free to play around with these quantities. You could omit the water and have the milkshake become a very thick cold pudding! You could add 2 cups of soy milk rather than one, and 2 scoops of vegan protein powder for more protein and satiation for even longer.
When To Drink
I like having this milkshake for breakfast and it keeps me full until mid-afternoon. You can have this milkshake as a meal replacement, snack, or dessert! It's truly delicious and I hope you enjoy it!
Feel welcome to share this recipe on Facebook & Pinterest!
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Fruit. Fat. Forage. is a 5 day raw food cleanse designed for detoxification and rapid weight loss! Read testimonies here.
The MicroVore Diet is a 14 day (and beyond) plan that contains micronutrient-rich and macro-balanced recipes for health and steady weight loss! Read testimonies here.
Thanks for living vegan and have a healthy day!